SD4x series grows
Press releases
Evolution of Three-level Frequency Converter: SD2M Becomes SD4M
As of 2022, SD2M models, which are equipped with state-of-the-art power electronics, will be transformed to the powerful SD4 platform. With regard to functions and control technology, the frequency converters of the SD4x series provide even higher gains compared with the predecessor series SD2x.
Only recently SIEB & MEYER has launched a new SD2M construction size with a higher output power and output current of 470 kVA / 800 Arms (at 400 V) that allows for powerful system solutions in the sector of turbo blowers and turbo compressors. "This device comes with state-of-the-art power electronics," said Torsten Blankenburg, CTO at SIEB & MEYER AG. "We have prepared everything so that this device can be transferred as a new logic variant into SD4M. This makes the changeover feasible relatively quickly."
Customers mainly benefit from the improvements to the control loop and the Ethernet-based bus systems. The new 32-bit processor is up to five times faster and therefore allows a higher resolution and more precise calculations. With the multiprotocol chip, which is used for the globally established Ethernet-based interfaces, as well as useful additional functions like a real time clock, the SD4x devices are well prepared for the future. Existing customers can of course continue to use SD2M – for new projects, though, switching to SD4M is quite easy: There is not much to be adapted on the power side. On the logic side, customers only need to use a slightly different connector and consider a few minor differences.