Optimized Performance, Higher Speeds
Press releases
SIEB & MEYER launches new frequency converter product family SD4x
As a highlight of the trade fair, SIEB & MEYER launches a new generation of frequency converters. Based on the new development platform SD4x, the company from Lueneburg is working on a new, future-proof device series. The devices support new interfaces such as PROFINET, EtherCAT or Biss and offer a number of additional functions. Users will benefit from higher speeds and from a significantly enhanced performance.
The key element of the product family SD4x is the considerably increased processor performance: The new 32-bit processor is up to five times faster as in the devices of the product family SD2x, thus allowing a higher resolution and more precise calculations. SIEB & MEYER has also switched from a fixed-point to a floating-point arithmetic, which allows for a more flexible software design. All in all, the new processor resolution system enables users to perform more complex tasks faster and to realize control solutions that feature higher resolutions and dynamics. SIEB & MEYER has also significantly increased the memory capacity – with the 500 times larger memory there will be no bottlenecks in the foreseeable future.
"The optimized performance, higher speeds as well as the lower motor heating without sine-wave filter – these are substantial advantages of the SD4x product family", said Torsten Blankenburg, CTO at SIEB & MEYER AG. "The enhancements will allow improving the production quality for existing applications and, beyond that, exploring completely new fields of application."
The first step has already been taken: SD4S is the first device of the SD4x product family. This frequency converter is designed for small high-speed spindles or motors in a power range of a few hundred watts. Application areas are e.g. dental milling machines or machines for super finishing as those required in watchmaking. Since small spindles do not come with a sufficient insulation resistance in the motors, SD4S now features a galvanic isolation of the thermal contact. An absolute novelty is the design width of 40 mm only. The parameterization is realized via a default Ethernet interface that replaces the USB interface, which in industrial environments is prone to failure. Moreover, SD4S comes with programmable digital measuring system interfaces such as Biss-C, EnDat2.2 and TTL. Via a Webserver, technicians can display device information without the need of additional parameterization software. The integrated real-time clock ensures a precise analysis of error cases as well as interactions with external events and processes.
"SD4S is the beginning of a new drive generation and the first product of our new development platform SD4x", stressed Blankenburg. "We will continuously extend the SD4S performance ranges."