Federal Minister Hubertus Heil Visits SIEB & MEYER AG
Press releases
Skills shortage, digitization, continuing education and mobile work: these issues were discussed on August 23, 2022, when the Federal Minister for Labor and Social Affairs, Hubertus Heil, visited SIEB & MEYER AG in Lueneburg. The meeting took place because SIEB & MEYER AG was awarded the Lower Saxony Foreign Trade Prize in the category large companies in June.
After a discussion of current issues with the management board of SIEB & MEYER AG, Markus Meyer and Torsten Blankenburg, as well as with members of the works council, the minister was taken on a tour of the production facilities and the CNC application center. The latter is equipped with demonstration machines that showed the practical use of SIEB & MEYER products live to the minister. "With an export rate of 92 %, SIEB & MEYER AG is a very successful global business that can serve as an example for other companies," said Federal Minister Hubertus Heil.
"SIEB & MEYER has specialized in globally distributed niche products since its foundation in 1962," Torsten Blankenburg, CTO at SIEB & MEYER AG, explained. "The international success is based on two subsidiaries in Taiwan and China as well as 12 international sales partners." In the field of CNC control systems for mechanical drilling and routing of printed circuit boards, SIEB & MEYER AG is the world market leader and lately achieved record sales because of the well-filled order book.