Be on the Safe Side with SIEB & MEYER Drive Technology
Press releases
SIEB & MEYER offers SISTEMA libraries for download
Machine manufacturers who use the safety-related functionalities of, for example, the product family SD2x can now download the related SISTEMA libraries directly from the SIEB & MEYER website. This service simplifies the risk assessment of machine controls by means of the SISTEMA software assistant.
"Based on SISTEMA, machine manufacturers can model the structure of safety-related parts of control systems (SRP/CS) by using subsystems, blocks and elements and can calculate its reliability", explained Torsten Blankenburg, CTO at SIEB & MEYER AG. The software assistant is provided by the German Accident Prevention Insurance Institute (DGUV) for Occupational Safety and Health – also known as the IFA. The operator's safety depends on the reliability of the control system, in particular in case of complex machines. A common basis for evaluating the safety of control systems in complex machines is the DIN EN ISO 13849-1 standard. This determination can be done by the machine manufacturer during risk analysis and assessment. It must specify the hazard zone in consideration of the proper actions on part of the machine operators and of the dimensions of the body parts at risk. SISTEMA will assist you with this process.
For SIEB & MEYER, the safety of people and machinery is of high priority: All frequency converters and servo amplifiers of the series SD2, SD2S, SD2M, SD2Bplus and SD3 come with the safety function Safe Torque Off (STO) already integrated as standard. In addition, SIEB & MEYER optionally offers the users of the SD2 drive system the following two sensorless safety functions that were especially designed for rotating motors without speed sensors: SFM (Safe Frequency Monitor) and SLOF (Safe Limited Output Frequency).